Damon Braces

Damon Braces

The Damon System is not just fancy brackets and wires, but truly a whole new way of treating patients. The Damon brackets bring together three key components which deliver faster treatment with fewer appointments, greater comfort, and consistent high-quality results.

Tie-less braces work continually without the need for “tightening” and are gentle to the teeth and tissues. Treatment time is reduced with the continually acting braces and fewer appointments are required.

Memory-shape wires made from high-technology alloys move teeth quickly with fewer appointments. Lighter forces put less pressure on your teeth allowing them to move more comfortably with less damage to the roots, teeth, and tissues.

A clinically proven treeatment protocol that aligns teeth and emphasizes facial aesthetics often without the need for extractions, expanders, or head-gear. The unique Damon philosophy goes beyond straight teeth. Broad beautiful smiles are created taking into account each patient’s face, profile, and other factors.